Arguments for Revolutionary Socialism - John Molyneux
Anyone who declares themselves to be a socialist immediately faces a barrage of questions and objections: "You can't change human nature", "Do you call Russia socialist?", "Why don't you join the Labour Party?", "Overpopulation, that's the real probelm with the world" - the list goes on and on.
This book aims to answer these objections, to set out socialist arguments in a way that can contribute , not to high-level intellectual debate, but to everyday discussion. Most of what is written here first appeared in John Molyneux's much-praised weekly column in Socialist Worker, and each section may still be read separately as the socialist case on a particular issue.
But equally, the author aims to show how the many and various arguments for revolutionary socialism are but part of one argument, one analysis: of how the world we live in works, and how we can change it.
Arguments for Revolutionary Socialism - John Molyneux
The book is in really good condition for its age. Some slight wear on the cover and a fair amount of yellowing aging of the pages can be seen. There is also a previous writing in pencil on one of the first pages, presumably from a previous bookseller.
ISBN: 9780906224359
Publisher: Bookmarks
Pub date: 30 Apr 1987
Language: English
Number of pages: 128